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  1. Self-care is something that everyone needs to include in their routine. It doesn’t have to be something that takes up a huge amount of time, but it is a necessity for living a healthy life. Self-care means something different for everyone, and everyone will have a different excuse for not doing it. With the cost of living crisis being something that many are struggling with at the moment, the cost of self-care is one thing that people are using as an excuse to ignore. 

    Self-care doesn’t need to be expensive; in fact, it is possible to include it in your routine for free. Let’s have a look at some of the ways you can keep the costs of self-care to a minimum: 

    Get Yourself Moving

    There are many ways you can get yourself moving, and most of them cost you nothing. It’s all about finding ways to get your body moving that you enjoy. Moving your body is going to be easier, and you are more likely to do it if it’s something that you enjoy rather than thinking it’s a chore. The type of movement is going to be different for each person. Some people may enjoy going for a run; others might enjoy having a dance around the living room. Whatever way you like to move, it is a great form of self-care that doesn’t cost much. 

    Pamper Yourself 

    Yes, a pamper session can cost you an arm and a leg. However, there are ways that you can cut down the costs. You don’t need to head out to a spa, but if you do, think about having a look online for any offers or vouchers that you can use. If you want to have your hair done, think about asking the salon if they have any student hairdressers, you can often get a reduced price if you are happy to let them work on your hair. If you like to go and have your eyelashes, view details about some great options for doing it yourself at home. 

    Do A Hobby 

    One of the easiest ways you can get a little bit of self-care into your life without it costing too much is to spend some time doing a hobby. It can be anything that you enjoy doing. Running, cycling, sewing, dancing, reading, cooking- anything can be classed as a hobby if it’s something you can do for enjoyment. It could be that you love to bake, and baking a cake for your family and friends is something that makes you feel great and less stressed. Or it could be that you enjoy learning a new language or reading. Some hobbies may have some cost, but you can usually keep it to a minimum. 

    Do you have any other ways that you can keep the cost of self-care down? Are you going to include more self-care into your routine now that you know that you can reduce the cost? Please let us know in the comments below.


  2. 3 Self-Care Tips For Your Teenager Children

    As teenagers continue to grow and mature, they become increasingly self-aware and body-conscious. As parents and guardians, it’s important to instil positive habits that will teach them how to take care of themselves both physically and mentally. As they get older, there will be many responsibilities to handle, and establishing a self-care routine will help them learn how to slow down and avoid self-neglect. This also helps them to alleviate stress and find healthy outlets for their physical and emotional needs. This post sheds more light on three self-care tips that will help cope better with the ups and down of everyday life.

    1. Prioritise a healthy diet

    Your teen is growing beautifully, and their body is developing. Some of the changes they encounter might leave them feeling uncomfortable, which could make them unhappy or self-conscious. It is important to assure them that they are perfect and help them embrace these natural modifications. While this rapid growth and development happens, their appetites become big and, there is a necessity to ensure they consume a balanced diet to stay healthy. Snacking on high-sugar, salty, or fatty food can lead to health complications later. Remind them of the importance of taking care of their body and educate them on the benefits of consuming nutritious foods like green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and dairy. You can include fruits and vegetables in their meals and advise them on the effects of caffeine, alcohol, and energy drinks. It would be beneficial to monitor their diet and ensure they are sticking to their regular meals and not following fad or dangerous diets.

    1. Start a beauty routine

    The adolescent years usually come with a desire for a new look and fussy complaints about skin conditions like acne. Creating a self-care routine that caters to everything from their hair to their feet is essential. You can plan a spa day for your teen and introduce them to a skincare routine that will emphasise acne treatment, moisturising, and other self-care practices. Encourage them to know their skin and hair type so they can form simple rituals that will keep these parts healthy. Go to the nail salon with them and get a pedicure and manicure together. Remember to buy hygiene products like deodorant and educate them on how to stay neat and presentable. While products and hygiene play a big role in ensuring good skin, don’t forget to keep your teen hydrated and slather sunscreen on them. 

    1. Let them join you in meditation

    Your teen can become overwhelmed with the new expectations and roles they have to play. To keep them centred or grounded, it is important to find a practice that will help them emotionally and mentally. Meditation helps them to maintain balance in their mind and body. It reduces mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. It also aids them in regulating their emotional outbursts and builds confidence to handle stressful situations. By engaging in practices like breathwork and yoga, they can become more empathetic to others and improve their relationships.

    It is essential to know what self-care means to your teen so you can give them a personalised experience. However, these tips will give you a great base to explore.