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Breast Cancer Awareness Month...We are Fundraising!

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October BC Awareness Month

Hi All

I hope you are well.

This is just a quick post to let you know that I will be fundraising for Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Now during October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month).  5% of all income from 1 to 1 treatments will be donated to the 2 charities  and I will also have a donation box in the treatment room. 

If you would like to donate directly you can do so on their Just Giving Page and if you are interested in running your own Fundraising event, please visit Breast Cancer Now or Breast Cancer Care for ideas.

Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Now charities merged in April, 2019, both help people who have been affected by breast cancer and also fund research.

"From research to care, we have people affected by the breast cancer at our heart – providing support for today and hope for the future. United, we have the ability to carry out even more world-class research, provide even more life-changing support and campaign even more effectively for better services and care. Together, we are united in the aim that, by 2050 everyone who develops breast cancer will live, and everyone receives the support they need to live well now."

Here is a short breast cancer awareness video which reminds us to TLC - Touch Look and Check on a regular basis.

Until next time, take care



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