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Category: Beauty and Holistic Treatments

  1. Understanding The Challenges That Come With Cosmetic Surgery & Treatments

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    Cosmetic surgery has been becoming more and more common in the modern world in recent times. While this practice has been around for a long time, technology and new methods have made it incredibly accessible to medical doctors and cosmetic surgeons alike. 

    Of course, though, this doesn’t mean that this type of process can’t come with complications. A lot can happen with aesthetic procedures, and you need to make sure that you are taking the time to overcome the challenges that can come with it if you choose to go down this path. This article will be exploring some of these areas to give you an idea of what to look out for.

    Dodgy Doctors

    The field of cosmetic surgery isn’t always as robust as the medical field. This means that it can be hard to know what qualifications the surgeon you use has, and this can lead to some major issues down the line. Not only will a dodgy doctor be unwilling to talk about their credentials, but they will also usually operate in ways that don’t make sense for a professional in the medical field.

    Failed Procedures

    While many of the procedures being used by cosmetic surgeons are tried and tested, some aren’t as robust as others, and this means that they can fail when they are not done properly. Issues like a  failed scalp micropigmentation can be very difficult to live with, and those who experience this sort of thing usually have to get help from further professionals.

    Bad Tools/Treatments

    There are a lot of companies in the world making products like Botox. This means that it can be easy for counterfeit options to be produced that look very realistic, and products like this can be extremely dangerous. It will always be worth looking for cosmetic surgeons who take the time to offer industry-leading products that won’t leave your health in bad shape. This is something that can have a serious impact on your body when the wrong tools and treatments are used.


    It can be hard to know when you are allergic to something in the field of cosmetic surgery. Good surgeons will always test materials on your body before adding them to it, and this ensures that reactions are very unlikely. This may not be the case with your doctor, though, and this can lead to serious issues down the line.

    As you can see, there are plenty of issues that can come about when you decide to embrace cosmetic surgery. It will always be worth doing plenty of research when you explore markets like this. You should also take the time to think about the type of cosmetic treatments you would like to get as they each have their own benefits and varying degree of risk.

    Until next time



  2. Stress Awareness Month

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    Stress Awareness Month April (2)



    I hope you are all well!

    April is the start of Stress Awareness month so an ideal time to start to manage your stress levels if they are too high.  The Mental Health Foundation state that 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.

    In terms of the products and services for Stress Management,  I offer a variety of  Holistic Treatments suitable for stress, including a special offer for April, Natural Health Products and a 30 Day Practical Stress Management Challenge E Course available.  I also offer on site massage for businesses.

    The Stress Management Society have a great online tool to Assess your Stress plus lots of other useful information.

    If you feel that your stress levels are out of control and the symptoms are unmanageable, I strongly recommend that you visit your GP.  Please don't suffer in silence.  I also have a number of useful links on my useful information page.

    That's all folks, have a great weekend and Mother's Day if you are celebrating it!

    Until next time

