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Stress Awareness Month!

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Stress Awareness Month April (2)

Hi Everyone

I hope you are all well and enjoying the start of Spring!

Today is the start of Stress Awareness month and to celebrate I have a month long 1 hr Stress Relieving Pick and Mix offer available for just £35.   I also have a range of holistic treatments and produts, which can all help you to manage your stress levels.  Please head over to my Holistic Treatments and/or  Self Care Hive pages for more information.

As you know stress manifests itself in a myriad of ways and can have a negative impact on your emotional, psychological and physical health.  The best way to start to reduce and manage your stress levels is to identify your stressors and to work out an action plan to either eliminate those sources of stress or to find ways of reducing the stressful impact that those issues have upon you.  Finding precious me time to engage in relaxing, enjoyable actitivies is also important.

Personally I enjoy yoga, going to the gym, going for walks in nature, getting a regular monthly massage and listening to relaxing music to help me reduce my stress levels. I also do my best to talk about any stressful experiences that inevitably occur on a day to day basis in this whirlwind society we live in. I avoid getting too involved in local, national or world news as I know this is a source of stress for me.

To get you started, here is a simple ritual you could follow at home:

De-Stress Ritual

Enjoy, until next time!




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