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Sun Awareness Week 2018

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Sun Awareness Week

Today is the last day of Sun Awareness Week which is run annually by the British Association of Dermatologists. The main message behind the sun awareness week is to enjoy the sun but enjoy it safely!

As sunshine is often so sporadic during spring and summer in the UK,  it is easy for many people to get carried away and spend long periods of time during sunny spells without adequate protection.  However, this can be dangerous due to the risk of sunburn, long term sun damage to the skin and of course, skin cancer. 

For this reason, we need to make sure that we protect our skin during hot, sunny weather.  The advice from the BAD is as follows:

Sun Awareness Week 2

On their website they have a number of information leaflets which provide really useful information on how to protect your skin, choose the right sunscreen, check your skin for changes to moles and more.

In support of Sun Awareness, it’s crucial to protect your skin before you venture into the sun. Consider adding a vitamin regimen to your skincare routine. Vitamin’s D, C, E & K have been proven to help you achieve healthy skin. Our skin naturally absorbs vitamin D from the sun, but vitamins like C and E act as a buffer between our skin and the sun’s harmful rays.

Vitamin C enhances the effectiveness of sunscreens, giving your skin extra protection, and it can decrease cell damage and aid the healing process of our skin. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, which fights against free radicals in the body and cancer-causing cells. It is found in many skincare products as a protector against skin cancer, but it is most effectively absorbed through food and supplements. Consider purchasing supplements for these helpful, UV ray-fighting vitamins and keep your vitamin supplements in a new kind of pillbox for safe keeping.

 If your skin has already been damaged by the sun and you have hyperpigmentation, lines and wrinkles, then I offer a number of manual and electrical facials  which can help to target these concerns. Please contact me if you would like a free consultation to help you choose which facial or combination of facial treatments would be best for you.  A consistent home skin care routine and daily use of a good quality SPF cream is also imperative.

Until next time




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