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November News and Monthly Offers!

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November Special Offers


Hi All

I hope you are warm and well.

This month's Special Offers include:

  • Free Mini Facial with all Shrinking Violet Body Wraps
  • Free Hydrating Foot Mask with Heated Booties when you book any 1 hour Hot Stone Massage
  • Save 10 to 12.% on a course of Facials or Holistic Treatments

In news, I am proud and excited to announce that I am now offering Accredited Holistic and Beauty Training Courses, which are suitable for both beginners and experienced therapists.  All the courses include some home study plus practical hands on training days.

With Christmas (shriek!) just around the corner, I would highly recommend early bookings for appointments in December.  Myself and a team of other local therapists are also available for on site pamperingfor Christmas work place parties.  We cover Stockport, Manchester City Centre and other surrounding local areas.

Well that's all for now folks, enjoy your Bonfire Night!

Until next time, take care




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