Treatment List & Consultations

Treatment Menu and Price List 

CONSULTATION FORMS - please download and email them back to me on [email protected]


Customised Aromatherapy Consultation - for the customised Aromatherapy Oils which is a paid for service.

Bach Flower Remedy Consultation - for Bach Flower Remedy paid for service

Useful Links

Many of my clients are struggling with health conditions or challenging life circumstances, so I have compiled this short list of useful local resources

For any physical, psychological/emotional condition that is causing you concern please visit your GP

1. Resources for Mental Health:

NHS Mood Zone for Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Samaritans call 116 123 for free

0161 480 7393

2. Low Cost or Donation Counselling Services in Stockport

Beacon Counselling

Stockport Christian Counselling

Stockport Women's Centre

3. Resources for Physical Health

NHS Live Well Eat Well Campaign

Sun Safety Booklet - by the Karen Cliff Skin Cancer Charity

4. Resources for Domestic Abuse

Women's Aid

Stockport Without Abuse for women and men

Stockport Women's Centre - please note they do not deal with emergency situations

5. Miscellaneous

Stockport Citizens Advice