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Free Gifts for Organic September!

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Just a quick one to let you know that Organic September has now started. This is a month-long campaign run by the Soil Association to raise awareness of organic products, and the brands, producers and farmers who bring them to us in the UK. 

The Soil Assocation also run the week-long Organic Beauty and Wellbeing Week and are running a free webinar on 9th September "Sustainable Beauty & Wellbeing- How Organic Supports Our Planet".

organic beauty benefits

As you may have guessed I love Mother Earth and nature and do my best to play my small part in protecting and preserving the planet in my personal and professional life.  I also use products from the organic brand Neal's Yard Remedies in the treatment room. So I decided to get involved and help raise awareness with my customers.

I am also happy to announce that the following will be available for the rest of the month 

*FREE Goodies - with any organic treatment which includes the Organic Pick and Mix Offer below,  ALL massages, reflexology, aromareflexology and Neal's Yard Remedies Facials and

*Organic 1 hr Pick and Mix Offer for £40 - choose 2 x 30 mins or 3 x 20 mins from the following Neal's Yard Remedies Facial, Aromatherapy Massage or Aromareflexology 

The Gifts include
*FREE Neals Yard Remedies organic skincare samples
*FREE Soil Association Organic shopping bag
*FREE Soil Association Postcards & bookmarks
*FREE Organic Seeds and Tree Bombs
Available while stocks last

Free gifts (1)

If you are local to Stockport, interested or already actively taking organic lifestyle choices and in need of some pampering, you can book any of my organic treatments here.  You will receive your free goodies at your appointment.

That's all for now, until next time



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