How to Start a Holistic or Beauty Business
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Have you ever dreamt of starting your own holistic or beauty business but really not sure of what steps you need to take?
First of all, there is no right age nor situation to start your own holistic or beauty business. I have taught students who are young and didn't fit in or enjoy the catty college environment, more mature students who are really unhappy in their job or have been made redundant and want a career change. I have also taught retired students who want to do something constructive to do with their spare time while earning extra income.
In terms of the steps you would need to take, first of all
1. Write a list of what you are bringing to the table as you are your greatest business asset. Think about all the skills, knowledge you have gained from everyday life, education or employment, and your personal attributes. Noone is a blank canvas and we all have skills, knowledge and personal strengths that we can lean upon when setting up and running our own business.
2. Next, set some time aside to create your business vision - where would you like to work? Which treatments would you like to offer? What does your workspace look like in terms of aesthetics and decor? Who are your dream clients? At this stage, just jot down loose ideas so that you can make choices that will lead you in the right direction.
3. Research your training options - what is your budget? Do you want to do a longer course at a slower pace or a fast track course? Do you want to have the community spirit of spending time with other students or do you prefer to do independent home study? Of the training providers you have researched, are the courses accredited? Will they enable you to obtain public liability insurance?
Also, you will need to research the course content as holistic and beauty courses should include much more than just learning how to do the treatment.
- Accredited Holistic and Beauty Courses suitable for absolute beginnners
- Business Start-Up Consultations
- Business Vision and Business Plan Module
- Holistic and Beauty Business Start-Up Course which will be going live in Spring 2022