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» Listings for October 2019

  1. October Special Offers


    I hope you are all well and getting ready and cozy for the start of Autumn.

    This month I have a Special Offer available to celebrate World Mental Health Day, World Arthritis Week and Back Care Awareness Week, all of which take place in October.  For one week (7th to 13th October), I will have a special offer on £5 off all deluxe 1hr aromtherapy massages. You will have your massage with a customsied blend of organic essential oils and carrier oil specifically chosen for your condition.  For example, back pain, stress/anxiety or arthritic pain or a combination of similar type symptoms.

    In addition to this, I have all the usual Loyalty Club offers available, as well as £10 saving on any two Shrinking Violet Body Wraps. 

    In news this month, I will be fundraising for Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Now for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  5% of all income from 1 to 1 treatments will be donated to the 2 charities  and I will also have a donation box in the treatment room. 

    If you would like to donate directly you can do so on their Just Giving Page and if you are interested in running your own Fundraising event, please visit Breast Cancer Now or Breast Cancer Care for ideas.

    Well, that's all folks, have a great month!

    Until next time

