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» Listings for March 2020

  1. February Special Offers


    I hope you are all well and looking forward to the start of Spring!

    This month I have a few Special Offers available, all of which can be viewed in more detail on the Special Offers page

    1) Free Hydrating Foot Mask with Heated Booties with all 1hr+ Winter Blues, Winter Detox or Immune Defence Holistic Treatments

    2) Pick and Mix 1hr Valentine's package for £35 which can be bought for your partner, a friend or family member of even yourself for a self love treat

    3) Shrinking Violet Full Body Inch Loss Wraps save £10 when you book a course of two.  You can also share with a friend or family member but separate appointments are required.

    On the training side of the business, I am offering various discounts on the following accredited holistic and beauty courses

    1) Save £40 when you enrol on the Beauty or Holistic Course bundle

    2) Save £50 when you enrol on the Aromatherapy Course bundle

    Neals Yard b

    In terms of news, for those of you who love Neal's Yard Remedies organic products, I have rejoined them as an independent consultant.  If you would like a complimentary consultation for any of their product range, please contact me on [email protected].  

    Well that's all folks, have a great month!

    Until next time

