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Category: Natural Health and Beauty Tips

  1. 11 Foods That Eliminate Annoying Bloating

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    Bloating is an annoying and uncomfortable health problem. Not only does it make your stomach stick out, but it’s also awkward in social situations, especially if you want to wear tight-fitting clothes. 

    Fortunately, you can resolve most bloating by choosing the right diet. It turns out that certain foods put you at a much higher risk than others. 

    Do you have bloating? Here are some foods you should include in your regular meal plan. 


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    Cucumber might not wow in the nutrition department, but when it comes to alleviating bloating, it is a real superstar.

    It turns out that this simple vegetable has an awful lot of benefits. For starters, it’s high in water, which helps to flush out the system. But it is also low in FODMAPs, the sugars in some foods that can create bloating in people prone to it.

    Furthermore, the high water content may also help to prevent dehydration. In turn, this can ensure that the bowel continues behaving favorably. 


    In the past, prune - or dried plums - were a breakfast staple. People would sprinkle them all over their porridge in the morning. 

    Today, they’ve fallen out of favor somewhat, but that doesn’t mean they’re useless for your tummy. In fact, prunes may be one of the best ways to get rid of both bloating and cramps.

    It turns out that prunes contain a special kind of fiber that kicks the gut into high gear. If you eat a dozen prunes, you’ll provide your stomach with healthy fiber needed to squeeze food along and reduce pockets of trapped air. This, in turn, will make it easier to go to the bathroom and leave you feeling much more comfortable during the night. 


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    Yoghurt is a superstar of the nutrition world because of the beneficial cultures it contains. Most yoghurts offer a range of bacteria that support your stomach health. 

    Why is yoghurt important for bloating? Researchers think that it may change your intestinal flora makeup, reducing gas-producing bacteria, and increasing the prevalence of friendlier versions. 

    You don’t have to eat dairy yoghurt to reap the benefits either. Any type of yoghurt will suffice. 

    Green Tea

    Green tea is a real nutritionist favorite because it contains a compound called ECGC which many believe can fight disease and extend life. Green tea is good for the gut because it reduces inflammation - a common cause of bloating and cramping. People who drink green tea regularly report better stomach health overall. 


    Bloating is annoying, painful and, sometimes, can be so bad that you can’t work. But the super spice ginger could offer a remedy. 

    Ginger has some unique properties. It’s actually a powerful painkiller and something the migraine sufferers regularly take to reduce symptoms. 

    Ginger can increase the rate of stomach emptying. When you eat it, it helps the body push meals through the digestive tract faster, which may reduce opportunities for bacteria to generate substantial quantities of gas. 

    It also contains an enzyme that assists with protein breakdown. For this reason, it is a great ingredient to include with meat or tempeh dishes. 


    If you go into a nursing home, you’ll notice that they give their residents a lot of bananas throughout the day. It’s not because they lack potassium. Instead, it’s because bananas are incredibly gentle on the stomach. They support healthy fluid balance, and provide just the right amount of calories to fiber to make most people feel comfortable. 

    If you eat them in large quantities, they’ll also encourage you to go to the bathroom. Again, this can help clear a bloating issue faster. 


    Starting your day with oats is one of the best things you can do. Oats are actually quite different from mainstream grains, like rice and wheat. They haven’t been subject to the same level of biological manipulation as the other two, meaning that when you eat them, you’re getting a more natural product. 

    What’s more, they contain a special type of fiber called beta-glucan. As it passes through the gut, it cleans away all the detritus, improving your overall well being and, in many cases, reducing bloating. 

    If you eat oats, make sure to cook them first. Raw oats can actually make bloating issues worse in some people. 


    Pineapple is a popular fruit that offers substantial nutritional benefits. It contains a substance called bromelain which people traditionally used to treat their digestive ailments. Recent research finds that it helps to reduce gut inflammation and actually directly reduces both bloating and swelling - great news for people who struggle with these issues. 

    Peppermint Tea

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    Many over-the-counter drugs for stomach complaints contain peppermint. But why? 

    It turns out that mint is a powerful herb that specifically targets inflammation in the colon. People who take mint tea regularly report better overall health. 

    Research is still ongoing whether it is the peppermint leaves that provide good health, or the essential oil. However, in most cases, the science shows that the whole herb or spice confers more benefits than mere extracts. 


    Five years ago, turmeric was all the rage. The trend hit fever pitch when mainstream coffee houses started offering turmeric lattes. 

    In recent years, the hype has died down, but the health benefits of turmeric have not. It is still one of the best things you can eat for health, longevity and overall well being. 

    Turmeric is good for stomach health because of its anti-inflammatory effects. You can eat it with an unhealthy meal and blunt many of the negative effects of that meal on your system. There is also evidence that it may help some IBS patients with issues, such as constipation. 


    Lastly, you might want to try eating a couple of apples to see whether that gets rid of your bloating issues. Apples, like bananas, are high in potassium, which can help with fluid balance. They may enable the gut to draw out more fluid, helping you to form better stools, and reducing gas in the process.

    If you suffer from bloating, which of these foods will you incorporate into your regular meal plans?

    Until next time



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  2. How to Improve your Life: key takeaways

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    Everyone wants to live a better life, but no one tells you about the key things to help you do it. Here are some of the most important things that will help you in personal development and self-help reading. Is it time for you to get off the sidelines and make some changes?

    Stop Taking Things Personally

    The first step to improving your life is learning how not to take things personally. Everyone has good and bad days, but the difference between those who succeed in life and those who do not is their reaction when they face failure or adversity. The person that thrives usually gets back up, dusts themselves off, and tries again, while the other wallows in self-pity and gives up on achieving what they want out of life. 

    Many people allow their emotions to dictate how they think about a situation rather than rationally before reacting emotionally. It would help if you learned from mistakes instead of letting them define you as a person because everyone makes mistakes at some point or another.

    Just remember you cannot change what other people think or do; only how you react. So, stop taking everything personally.

    Build Confidence With Your Body

    Your body reflects your mind, the thoughts you accept and allow yourself to think. When you are confident in who you are, it shows how you present yourself physically, which improves your life exponentially. Confidence is not something that comes overnight but over time as one gets progressively better at their craft or goal that they have set for themselves.

    Practice building confidence by making small changes every day towards achieving bigger goals. Build trust with your body by dressing well. Make sure you are always putting in the effort to look nice for yourself by dressing well and taking care of your personal appearance. If there is anything that you would like to improve, then go ahead and take positive action.  For example you could perfect your smile by getting invisible braces which will positively affect your smile and confidence.  If your skin isn't in tip top condition, you could start  a new regimen and have a monthly professional facial.

    Stop Playing the Victim

    Playing the victim, or acting like everything is someone else's fault, can slowly erode your self-confidence and make you feel like the universe revolves around other people.

    Instead of blaming others for something that has gone wrong in your life, try to think about ways you could have prevented it from happening. Doing this will help keep things in perspective when something terrible happens again later. You'll be able to say, "Okay, so I made a mistake last time that caused me to fail at X thing." You won't just internalize blame without looking into how you contributed to the goal not being reached 

    Take responsibility for what happened by figuring out where your part was in causing whatever went wrong. Taking ownership over small mistakes goes a long way in shaping your future. It is not to say you can't expect others to take responsibility for their actions--but don't be the kind of person who expects everything handed to them on a silver platter with no effort.

    Avoid Stressing Over Things You Cannot Change

    Stress is a natural and unavoidable part of life, but it's also one of the most common causes of unhappiness. If you've ever taken on too many responsibilities at once or gotten caught up in self-pity after being turned down by someone you were hoping to date, then you have experienced stress firsthand. While some people are more resilient than others when dealing with stressful situations, there are specific steps that you can take to minimize your overall exposure to them. By using stress management tools, you will be able to reduce your stress levels or find healthier ways to manage stress.

    One strategy that can help you manage stress levels involves taking frequent breaks from whatever situation may be causing distress. Whether this means switching between tasks throughout the day or simply getting outside for a bit each morning before diving into the day's work, taking time to recharge can play a significant role in warding off stress and staying happy.


    In conclusion, these are just a few ways to improve your life that no one tells you about. These tips will help you feel more fulfilled and content with yourself, which will lead to improvements in other aspects of your life.

    Last of all remember to be kind to yourself, you are the one who has to live with you for the rest of your life!

    Until next time



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